I’m back again!!! Had such a busy weekend and start of the week that didn't have time to post anything on here. Had a completely out of the kitchen weekend, going out with my husband. Sweet!!
Monday was crazy but exciting because I got to see my youngest niece that I hadn't seen in like 6 months and didn't get home until 6:20 pm. I wanted to make lasagna for dinner so before I left in the morning I took my ground beef out of the freezer to defrost and be ready for when I got back. My husband usually gets home at 6:45 pm so I thought I wasn't going to have time to make it, but I put on my speedy shoes and started to put all my ingredients together.

1 lb ground beef (depends on the size of
½ box Lasagna Pasta
Spaghetti sauce (About 1½ cup)
4 oz cream cheese
½ cup milk
Seasonings to taste
3 cups of cheese (or more if you prefer)
Season your meat, cook it until is brown
and drain. In some boiling water put your pasta to cook (make sure you get a
big pan) in a Pyrex put some red sauce in the bottom and carefully start
putting the pasta to cover it. Put some of your meat and spread it so it could
cover all the pasta. Then add some more pasta to cover meat.
In a small sauce pan mix the cream cheese
and the milk until it forms a cream (if is too thick feel free to add more
milk), then pour it on top of the layer of pasta. Add the left-over meat and
add cheese on top. For the last layer put more pasta and on top some red sauce spreading
it all over and top it off with the remaining cheese.
Pre-heat your oven on 350 degrees and cook
lasagna for 25-30 minutes or until your cheese is melted and golden.
This is my way of making lasagna!!! Enjoy
it with a salad or your favorite side. If you don’t like ground beef, substitute
it for chicken.
By the way I did have time to have dinner ready when the hubby got home (he got home 30 minutes later than usual) just my luck!!!
Hmmm! This looks delicious